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Not that long ago in a workshop not that far away, JET EYES released the first titanium SR-71 aircraft tag. That tag was cut from SR-71A 61-7964, was printed, and came with a redacted card and an autographed card by BC Thomas, the pilot who flew the jet when it famously diverted into Bodo, Norway.


That tag was actually a modified version of our original design. The original card and tag (only 5 were made and never released). This re-release features the remaining 55 SR-71A 61-7964 tags, and in keeping with our namesake, a prequel edition of the Bodo Express tag as this new version is nearly identical to the original tag and card. 


SR-71A no. 61-7964 was known as "The Bododian Express". This jet was given its nickname after making an emergency landing in Bodo, Norway on 13 Aug 1981 due to an engine malfunction. Only 226 were made, and as of 17 March 2023, 55 remain available. 


Our tags were cut from a fuselage panel stamped with the article/asset number 2015, which corresponds to USAF 61-7964. Due to the thermal expansion of the aircraft skin at mach 3+, it wasn't unusual for flown panels to not fit other aircraft if a spare part was needed, and stamping article numbers on these panels helped identify which jet they belonged to. This panel was removed from 964 either for repair or during a depot level overhaul and a new one fitted to the aircraft.


These tags are offered in a variant not previously released: Spot Welded. They are similar to the riveted tags, but the additional structure on the backs of these tags is held on by titanium spot welds. 


All tags come with a card back autographed by the pilot who flew the aircraft when it diverted into Bodo, Norway - BC Thomas, who is also the highest timed SR-71 pilot. The cardback pays homage to the mission and also features original newspaper articles covering the diversion into Norway as well as photos from the aircrew. Also included is the brand new cardback that is styled after the original card. 


**US Military aircraft designations are used to describe the aircraft from which these tags were cut. Trademarks used are the property of their respective owners. JET EYES is not affiliated in any way with any aircraft manufacturer.**


Warning: Jet-Eyes tags are cut from real aircraft components and skin. These tags are made of and covered in industrial paints and coatings. These materials and coatings can be dangerous and cause harm if inhaled or ingested. Not recommended for small children.

SR-71A 61-7964 Titanium Aircraft Skin Tag




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    JET EYES uses real aircraft parts and is not affiliated in any way with any aircraft manufacturer.

    Warning: JET EYES tags are cut from real aircraft components and skin. These tags are made of and covered in industrial paints and coatings. These materials and coatings can be dangerous and cause harm if inhaled or ingested. Not recommended for small children.

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